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Principles and rules we follow:

- "Saltiv's Rebirth" Public Organization is voluntary. All members of our organization voluntarily and consciously dedicate their time and spend their resources on helping the residents of the Starosaltivska community, rebuilding, renovation and restore destroyed buildings and infrastructure of our community;

- Members of our organization are not authorized persons of state bodies or local governments, and if at the place of their main work they work in such bodies - it has nothing to do with their membership in the "Saltiv's Rebirth" Public Organization and activities of our organization;

- Members of our organization do not receive for their work in the "Saltiv's Rebirth" Public Organization salary, financial remuneration, or any other benefits and profits;

- All money in any form; assistance in the form of products, medicines, basic necessities, fuel, materials, tools, equipment, machinery, etc. - ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING - subject to strict accounting and reporting. We can transparently report to the public, our donors and any stakeholders on the receipt and distribution of any resources;

- In addition to helping people who stayed in villages: Stariy Saltiv, Molodova, Shestakove and Fedorovka, a large number of our people left for Kharkiv, and are also in difficult life circumstances, have no sources of income, and can not get help from the state. Therefore, our help in the form of food, medicine, clothing and other essentials should be provided to these residents of our community;

- We understand that the consequences of the war that came to our land will have to be corrected for many years to come; now is the period when under fire it is necessary to provide the inhabitants of the community with food, medicine and basic necessities; after the liberation of the part of the community currently under occupation and the end of the daily shelling of the territory - there will be a period when people will return home, they will need to provide food and at least some emergency repairs to destroyed buildings, roofs, broken windows, etc.; after that there will be a long period of rebuilding the infrastructure and restoring the normal rhythm of life. Everything needs and will require a lot of effort from all of us, and only together will we be able to do it all;

- "Saltiv's Rebirth" Public Organization to address these issues is set up for fruitful cooperation with any citizens who wish to join our ranks, volunteer organizations, individuals or legal entities, foreign foundations and charities, government agencies of our state and other countries, who support Ukraine to defeat the russian aggressors and further rebuild our country.

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